Thursday, July 2, 2009

You can get all kinds of stuff for free

You can get all kinds of stuff for free. Various companies on the web want you to visit their webpage. Marketing today is harder and web savvy companies are looking for better ways to connect with their target audience. IF they offer you a free pen, DVD or perfume sample, it costs them pennies to mass produces a few thousand samples and You are directly interacting with their product or company.
For comparison, a more "familiar" way of advertising is TV commercials. One 30-second television commercial costs on average, around $400,000 and to make that ad can cost well over $250,000. Suddenly the 3 Dollar DVD and several cents on shipping doesn't seem so unrealistic does it?
That being said, there are some scammy type companies online and we do our best to sift through and only offer you top quality freebies from around the world.

For example :

aFree Souvenir at Parks Canada in SW Ontario

aSurvey Savvy - Best Paid Survey Panel

Winning Surveys: Money Tree

The Grant Secret Club

Ok thats it for next time i'll bring you more ....